Wednesday, February 4, 2009

Flash Plugin on Fedora 10

The Adobe Flash Plugin, with sound support, is available on Fedora. These instructions guide you through the installation of Adobe's Flash Plugin on Fedora 10.

Install Audio Libraries

First, install the audio libraries needed for sound support by the Flash Plugin.

su -c "yum -y install pulseaudio-libs alsa-lib alsa-plugins-pulseaudio"

Using 64-bit Firefox?

Adobe Labs has been offering a 64-bit Flash plugin since Dec 12, 2008. Be sure to first uninstall any other versions of Flash you have installed on the system. Then, download and unpack the 64-bit Flash Plugin for Linux into your Mozilla Plugins folder. For updates and details, visit the Adobe Labs Download page for Flash:

cd $HOME/.mozilla/plugins
tar -xzvf

Don't forget to restart your browser!

32-bit Users Only

Visit and click Download Now. Then select YUM for Linux and download the provided RPM (adobe-release-i386-1.0-1.noarch.rpm).

Install the downloaded RPM which installs /etc/yum.repos.d/adobe-linux-i386.repo.

su -c "rpm -ivh adobe-release-i386-1.0-1.noarch.rpm"

Check that you can access the Adobe Yum repository.

su -c "yum --disablerepo=* --enablerepo=adobe* list"

Now, install the Adobe Flash Plugin

su -c "yum install flash-plugin"

Then, add the Flash Plugin is in your $HOME/.mozilla/plugins folder.

mkdir -p $HOME/.mozilla/plugins
cd $HOME/.mozilla/plugins
ln -s /usr/lib/flash-plugin/ .

Don't forget to restart your browser!

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